
30 Rock, etc.

Videogum textual analysis of 30 Rock with hidden secret meanings.

Jezebel: TatianaTheAnonymousModel explains the SI swimsuit issue from the perspective of a flat-chested but knowledgeable fashion model. (Side note for pedants: anonymous and pseudonymous are often synonymous).

NYT article skimmer
, a good idea.

American TV history according to Wikipedia: Friday night death slot. (via)

The people of Wisconsin financed a Hollywood gangster picture
(Michael Mann's July 2009 release Public Enemies) to the tune of $4.6 million, reports my hometown daily. Just to have a studio movie made here, it seems.

Cavett on Cheever and Updike on Cavett
, with video.

New Simpsons title sequence in HD

Planned Obsolescence sez "media texts aren’t just the frosting on the literary cake."

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