
The Criterion Contraption is like The Julie/Julia Project but with movies and longer than a year.

Ashley, the crying Idol fan, on people who think Sanjaya's not so good (pity Meredith V. for having to ask): "I just like say they're wrong or just ignore them." You go, Ashley!

This American Life parody by Kaspar Hauser is pretty spot on. (via Lindsayism)

Graphpaper, a design blog, opines about one of the things that irritates me beyond all reason: 16x9 televisions showing 4x3 frames with horizontal distortion. The blogger seems to think some people are just visually dull and can't see the way sophisticates like him can. I would say it's more a matter of what you are in the habit of paying attention to. Designers, like media scholars, pay attention to different things from ordinary folks, and that's a point we can sometimes forget.


zoe p. said...

"but with movies and longer than a year."

And twice as tasteless. (I couldn't help myself.) Another reason to love VHS from the library, all those odd, lovely, things drifting out there. On VHS but not DVDs yet.

Anonymous said...

Yet, or maybe never. Most of the films in archives are unlikely candidates for video transfer any time soon. The past slips away...

zoe p. said...

Tell me about it.

I've been meaning to mention this, but that Z that precedes your http (what do you call it, I am sure you know) is too, too DW Griffith.

zoe p. said...

Oh my god. I never read the Graphpaper note. I'm not a purist about most things, right? Well I hate hate hate "horizontal distortion" in all its guises - moving or still. It makes me ill.

The "visually dull" though, that's a good one. Naive spectator invoked for the 11 billionth time.

Anonymous said...

The Z you mention is called a favicon. I am certainly flattered to be compared to the great man, father of film language.