
Everything is Miscellaneous:

Helvetica is a movie about a font.

Lawrence Lessig says that Congress needs to do something about the internet.

There is an X motif in The Departed
. I didn't notice it when I watched the film. To me this says that the filmmakers did a bad job of exploiting the motif. That or I wasn't paying attention the way some people do.

Jonathan Lethem wants you to adapt his short stories into plays or short films; you pay him $1.

Goodstorm is an online t-shirt design app.

All the press for The Sarah Silverman Program is making me eager to watch tonight: The Watcher; an interview on NPR's Day to Day; Tad Friend in The New Yorker (more on that here). Watch it.

The Pew Internet and American Life Project has released a report on tagging which is as good an introduction as you will find to the topic. It includes an interview with David Weinberger, whose book-to-be is has the excellent title Everything is Miscellaneous: The Power of the New Digital Disorder.

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